Sunday, June 2, 2013

怎么选高尔夫球 -How To Buy Golf Balls

Today's golf balls are the culmination of a variety of disciplines and talents, from material science to physics. Since there are many kinds of golfers, engineers have devised many kinds of golf balls. When matched correctly to a golfer's game, specific golf balls can increase enjoyment as well as chances for par. The technology of golf balls has reached an unprecedented level, offering different covers, cores, dimple patterns and compression to best suit golfers' varying needs.
  • Ball Types
  • Construction
  • Playing Level
  • A ball designed to react quickly off the clubface for maximum speed, which results in overall distance.
  • Distance balls appeal to people who find every yard counts, but where it may bring 15 more yards off the tee, it might also skip off the putting surface like a flat rock on water.
  • A ball designed to deter excessive spin, such as backspin (makes the ball climb higher) or sidespin (hooks and slices).
  • Control balls help golfers fight hooking-and-slicing tendencies and maneuver low shots on windy days.
  • A ball intended to create as much backspin as possible, which generally leads to higher trajectory and better stopping ability on the ground.
  • Better amateurs and touring pros prefer balls that offer high spin. These models may not be as long off the tee, but they make up for it in superior control.
Overall Design
Two-piece balls:
  • Contain a large solid core and thin Surlyn cover
  • Enhance distance and durability
  • Offer more durability and improved playing characteristics
Three-piece balls:
  • Contain a small solid or liquid core
  • Usually have rubber windings, and cover elastic winding and soft balata cover
  • Enhance backspin and control
  • Multi-layers provide a multi-purpose ball
  • Wound balls are made of thin, little rubber bands wound tightly into a sphere
  • Solid cores are usually made of a high-energy rubber or similar compound
  • Liquid-filled cores offer less trajectory and great feel and can spin for better accuracy
  • Titanium cores provide more reaction and greater distance
  • Determines feel on soft hits, like putts and chips
  • Blends co-polymer plastics, high-energy rubber, or similar resistant compounds
  • Multi-cover layers material over the core to induce different playing responses
  • Surlyn balls travel farther with less spin
  • Balata-covered balls are softer and offer more enhanced feel, although they don't resist scrapes and cuts well
  • Vary between 300 and 500
  • Affects the aerodynamics for more or less trajectory
  • Larger dimples promote trajectory
  • Smaller dimples lessen trajectory
  • Sorts golf balls by their hardness
  • If you prefer a softer feel, you should play a 90 compression ball, and if you prefer a harder feel, you should play 100
  • Swing speed is not necessarily the determining factor in selecting your compression
  • When thinking about which ball will help you achieve par, it's best to imagine a good-sized par-4.
  • If getting an extra 15 yards off the tee would help you hit shorter irons on approach shots to green, then maybe a distance ball will help.
  • Most people feel that high-spin balls appeal only to pros that need precision on iron shots. But a senior or woman who has trouble reaching a par-4 in two shots will appreciate the control offered by a performance ball after the 3rd shot.
  • Some balls are designed for slower swing speeds with a lightweight construction that catches air. They are generally marketed for women or seniors, but don't let labels fool you. Plenty of men play these balls because, for them, it yields the most distance.


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2. 无休止的通知提醒
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7. 获得其他Android手机的独家功能
有时候你可能会羡慕其他Android手机内置的一些独家功能,比如LG Optimus G Pro的QSLIDE多任务窗口、Galaxy S4的画中画视频播放或是Droid RAZR的智能操作自动化服务等,其实你完全可以使用第三方应用来实现这些功能。比如在谷歌商店中搜索“浮动应用程序”,就可以找到“漂浮浏览器(Floating Browser Flux)”或是“超级视频(Super Video)”播放器,能够实现一定程度上的多任务操作功能;另外,类似“Tasker”这样的系统应用,只要设定一些条件,就可以实现手机自动化操作的功能。
8. “分享”菜单有太多选项
Android的最佳功能之一是其丰富的分享菜单功能,几乎列出了所有的可用内容,不过随着程序安装的增多,你会发现一些根本用不到的选项,看起来十分碍眼。第三方应用程序“Andmade share”可以帮助你解决这个困扰,它可以重新自定义分享菜单,删除不必要的选项,并根据自己的需求进行重新排列。
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12. 过时的Android系统版本
目前Android系统的最新版本是4.2果冻豆,但可能你的手机还是Android 4.0冰淇淋三明治、甚至是更过时的2.3版本。换句话说,你会错过一些最新的功能,比如谷歌语音助手、详细的通知内容以及所有适配新系统的应用程序。那么,除了祈祷手机厂商会在某一天内放出新版固件,你也可以尝试自行刷机。不过,刷机过程相对复杂一些,有可能会将设备刷成砖头,并且丧失保修服务。你可以参考一下XDA等专业论坛,一些ROM爱好者提供了相当丰富的自定义固件,并且附有详细的刷机条件和说明,只要按照步骤正确操作即可。对于已经ROOT过的机型,不仅可以刷自定义固件,甚至还可以超频,获得更流畅的使用体验。