Friday, January 28, 2011

Windows 7/Vista 设置自己的VPN代理服务器

  1. Open Network Connections by typing net in the Start and select View network connections or ncps.cpl. You may also Open the Network Connections from Open Network and Sharing Center>Change adapter settings.

2. Press Alt and click File, and then click New Incoming Connection.

第三步:选择允许使用VPN连接到本机的用户,如果用户还未创建,请点击添加用户,选择用户连接的方式,我这里出现的只有一项通过Internet,如果你的显示多项,请选择正确的方式,或者一一尝试,接着设置网络参数,如果对方连接后可以使用本地网络的DHCP服务器,那么可以忽略本操作,如果本地网络没有DHCP服务器,必须就必须设置一下,请点击Internet 协议版本 4(TCP/IP),点属性按钮,选择指定IP地址,比如我的IP是192.168.1开头的,那么这里设置一个没有被使用的IP段即可,比如从192.168.1.200到192.168.1.210。设置后请按确定,然后点击允许访问,到此,Windows Vista架设VPN服务器(VPN代理服务器)的方法就结束了,如果没有猜错,此文章应该也能用于Windows 7。
最后需要备注:如果你的电脑开启了防火墙,必须开启1723端口方可让外部用户连接进来!我这里只讲解Windows Vista自带防火墙的设置,其它的防火墙请自行联系官方
开始菜单,点控制面板,点Windows 防火墙,点更改设置,点例外选项卡,点添加端口,名称可自行设置,我这里输入的是VPN Server,端口号输入1723然后点确定,即可完成设置
3. In Who may connect to this computer, add or select the users you will allow them to access your computer.

4.  In How will people connect screen, check Through the Internet if this is only conenction.

5. Select type of network software and click Allow access.

6. Finish the incoming VPN setup and it is ready to access.

设置Win7响应ping命令-Enable Windows 7 Ping Response in Firewall

1) Go to Windows Firewall in Control panel
Enable Windows 7 Ping in Firewall
You can see, Windows Firewall status is On. Click on Advanced settings in left side as mentioned above.
2) Select Inbound Rule, Right clink on it and select New Rule…
Enable Windows 7 Ping in Firewall
3) Select Custom (Custom Rule) at last and press Next.
4) Leave All programs and go to Next.
Enable Windows 7 Ping in Firewall
5) Click on Protocol type and select ICMP4 as shown below. ICMP4 is the protocol used in ping command when your network is communicating with IPv4.
Enable Windows 7 Ping
6) Since we are going to apply this rule for any IP, means responds to any IP addresses coming with echo request, select ‘Any IP addresses’ in next screen. You can add specific IP addresses also, if you want your windows 7 computer to respond to them only for ICMP echo request (ping )
Enable Windows 7 Ping
7) Allow the connection in next screen, press Next.
8.) Keep the all three check boxes checked in the next screen, to apply this rule any type of network you connected.
9) Give a name to this rule. This name will be showing under Inbound Rules in Windows Firewall. In future you can delete the rule by this name.
Enable Windows 7 Ping in Firewall
Click Finish.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Appcmd ERROR: Cannot read configuration file due to insifficient permissions

Grant whatever access you need, but don't assume that access is automatic just because you're an admin.  It's an account or group, and permissions can be set just as with any other account or mgroup.

So adding my userid to the folder %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\config to fix the issue

Monday, January 17, 2011

With Active Directory (AD), Sql server agent cannot start problem's solution.

After AD promotion, sql server agent  cannot start with error message:
"No mapping between account names and security IDs was done. [0x80070534]." .. or whatever..
For this case. you cannot to change the account used by the SQL Server services via SQL Server Configuration Manager since it is trying to resolve the SID of the old account to the name of the user, and can't do it.
To solve the problem, go to the Windows Services applet (services.msc) and use that to change the account used by the service. For the service to function properly the new account would have to be one that you know has enough privileges. Or just change it to any user that exists, and then go back to Configuration Manager (which will hopefully work now) and change it again, so that the privileges are set correctly.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


1. 搜索引擎营销 (SEM)
搜索引擎营销(SEM)英文全称为Search Engine Marketing,意指通过搜索引擎进行服务和产品的营销。搜索引擎营销又主要分为两种:搜索引擎优化(SEO)和付费点击(PPC,Pay-Per- Click)。搜索引擎优化(SEO)指通过优化网站和页面并让它们在搜索结果的页面中展示,而付费点击(PPC)指通过购买搜索引擎的点击将用户带到自 己的网站。(通常)这些点击来自搜索结果页面中的“赞助商链接”(译注:显然不适用于百度)。
2. 反向链接(Backlink)
3. 页面等级(PageRank)
页面等级( PageRank) 是Goolgle用来评估一个页面相对于其他页面的重要性的一个算法规则。这个算法规则最基本的意思就是说,如果A页面有一个链接指向B页面,那就可以看 作是A页面对B页面的一种信任或推荐。所以,如果一个页面的反向链接越多,再根据这些链接的价值加权越高,那搜索引擎就会判断这样的页面更为重要,页面等 级(PageRank)也就越高。
4. 链接诱饵(饵链)(Linkbait)
链接诱饵(Linkbait),顾名思义这是一个网站或一个博客上为了尽可能多地吸引反向链接(目的是提高网站的PR值)而存在的一段内容。通常,这些做 为诱饵的内容为文字内容,但也可以是一段视频、一张图片、一个测验或其他的热门的内容。最经典的诱饵内容的例子是“十大(Top 10)”,因为这样的内容在一些社交网站很容易流行起来成为热门话题(译注:这个话题貌似已经臭街了)。
5. 互链车间或互链作坊(Link farm)
互链工厂或互链作坊(Link farm)是指很多网站(通常数量很大)为了提高组成一个类似车间或作坊式的团体,通过彼此的互相链接来提高团体每一个的网站的页面评级的手段。早期,这种方法很有用,但现在已经成为一种不耻的作弊手段(并可能会收到惩罚)。
6. 锚文本(Anchor text)
锚文本(Anchor text)在反向链接中是指一个页面中可点击的文本,而其中的关键词对搜索引擎优化(SEO)有很大的帮助,因为Google会将这些关键词和你的内容关联起来。
7. 链接属性-NoFollow
Nofollow是网站管理员使用的一个链接属性,其目的是告诉搜索引擎他们并不是为该链接所指向的网站投票。这种链接也可能是网站用户自己创造的内容 (比如博客评论中的链接),或者是一个付费交易的链接(比如广告或赞助商的链接)。当Google识别到这些反向链接的NoFollow属性后,基本就不 会在页面评级和搜索结果排名的算法中将这些链接的贡献计算在内了。
8. 链接修饰(Link Sculpting)
链接修饰(Link Sculpting)是指网站管理员对网站上其他网站的反向链接进行属性设置。比如,管理员给链接添加Nofollow属性,这可以让管理员决定利用自己 的网站为具体某个网站提高页面评级,或者不帮助具体某个网站提高网页评级。不过,现在这种做法的作用已经微乎其微,因为Google已经决定要用自己的算 法来决定怎么处理链接的Nofollow属性。
9. 页面标题(Title Tag)
页面标题(Title Tag),顾名思义是指一个页面的标题中,这也是Google搜索算法中最重要的一个参考。理论上,你的页面标题要独一无二并尽可能多地包括页面内容中的关键词。你在浏览网页时可以从浏览器最上方看到一个网页的标题。
10. 元标签(Meta Tags)
元标签(Meta Tags)和页面标题一般,主要用于为搜索引擎提供更多关于你页面内容的信息。元标签位于HTML代码的头部,还有就是对长眼睛的访客是不可见的。
11. 搜索算法(Search Algorithm)
12. 搜索结果页面(SERP)
搜索结果页面(SERP)的英文全称为Search Engine Results Page.基本上,这就是你平时在Google键入关键词回车后的页面了。你的网站从这个页面得到的流量取决于你的网站在搜索结果中的排名等级。
13. 沙盒(Sandbox)
14. 关键词密度(Keyword Density)
15.关键词堆积(Keyword Stuffing)
16. 障眼法(Cloaking)
17. 网络爬虫或网络蜘蛛(Web Crawler)
网络爬虫或网络蜘蛛(Web Crawler)也简称为爬虫或蜘蛛,代表搜索引擎在网路上进行浏览,目的是发现新的链接和页面,这是进行索引的第一个环节。
18. 复制内容(Duplicate Content)
复制内容(Duplicate Content)也叫“重复内容”,通常是指一个页面在引用了站内或站外的大段实质内容,或者是存在完全相同和极其相似的情况,而这也是一个网站应该尽量避免发生的情况,否则很容易让你的网站受到惩罚。
19. 标准链接(Canonical URL)
标准链接(Canonical URL)是指一个网页的链接要符合规范和标准。
20. 机器人协议(Robots.txt)

Monday, January 10, 2011

NLB - Load Balancing and Other Issues....

Using NLB with ISA Server Part 2: Layer 2 Fun with Unicast and Multicast Modes


Unable to connect to Windows Server 2008 NLB Virtual IP Address from hosts in different subnets when NLB is in Multicast Mode


Tuesday, January 4, 2011 How to Register Own Nameservers / Hosts

It's hard to find out ...but if you intend to set up your own Domain Name Server (DNS) service, you can register your own hosts using these instructions. You can enter up to 13 hosts, depending on the maximum number of hosts the top-level domain name (TLD) registry allows.

o Register Your Own Domain Hosts

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Domain Manager.
  3. Click the domain name you want to use to register as your own nameserver.
  4. In the Host Summary section, click add.
  5. In Host name, enter the host name you want to register.
    NOTE: The value entered here will be appended to your domain name to create the host name. Do not use the 'www' prefix. Example: For the domain name, entering 'ns1' here results in
  6. In the Host IP fields, enter the IP address(es) you want to add to the host.
    NOTE: If your server has only one IP address, you can use the same IP address for multiple hosts except where forbidden by the domain name's registry.
  7. Click OK.
It takes 4 to 8 hours to register hosts for .COM and .NET domain names and 24 to 48 hours for all other domain name extensions.