Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Create TABLE #temp (TableName VARCHAR (255), RowCnt INT)
EXEC sp_MSforeachtable 'Insert INTO #temp Select ''?'', COUNT(*) FROM ?'
Select TableName, RowCnt FROM #temp ORDER BY TableName
Drop TABLE #temp

XBMC Global Keyboard


Common Platform-Independent Keymapping

Key Description, Notes
Any Single character That button on the keyboard, Case INSENSITIVE
O Displays CPU usage and video diagnostic information
P Play
Space Pause
X Stop
L Cycle subtitles
T Toggle subtitles on and off
F FastForward
R Rewind
Left-arrow Left
Right-arrow Right
Up-arrow Up
Down-arrow Down
Page Up Page Up
Page Down Page Down
Return Select
Backspace Parent Directory
Q Queue
W Marked as Watched
M Activate OSD Player Controls
S Activate Shutdown Menu
Esc Home menu (remembering the last menu-position when you return to it)
I Media Info
Application key Context Menu
C Context Menu
Period Skip Next
Comma Skip Previous
Tab Toggles fullscreen modes (either visualisation or video playback)
Print Screen Screenshot
Minus (-) Volume Down
Plus (+) Volume Up
Zero (0) Number0
One (1) Number 1
Two (2) Number 2
Three (3) Number 3
Four (4) Number 4
Five (5) Number 5
Six (6) Number 6
Seven (7) Number 7
Eight (8) Number 8
Nine (9) Number 9
Backslash (\) Toggle Application Full Screen / Windowed mode
End Shutdown XBMC

Platform Specific Keymapping

Live and Linux Keymapping


Mac Keymapping

⌘Q and ⌘W to close
⌘H and ⌘M to iconize
⌘F to toggle fullscreen
⌘S to take screenshots inside XBMC

VF5023-B1 Dual Column Wall-Mounted Furniture Installation instructions


The main thing to remember when putting it together is this;
1) assemble the entire outer portion of the rack before you attempt to hang the two super strong brackets that hold everything on the wall, and
2) pick your background (Black Glass or Cherry Wood) before you install the actual shelves and start putting your components on them and slide the decided upon background pieces in place, allowing them to slide down and rest on the floor. Otherwise you'll be undoing everything you did after you realize you can't fit the backgrounds in after your components are in place.

Summary: This hanging shelf unit really is worth the trouble it takes to install using such bad instructions. Don't allow my installation comments to discourage you from buying it, because you'll love it once installed. 5-Stars Plus!!! You might say a few choice words while trying to figure out where to place to brackets to hang this unit. Check this unit out before buying any other type of TV stand/ AV component shelf.

Additional Info: In order to keep all of the wires hidden from view, I installed an additional electrical outlet behind where the actual wall unit was going to be hung. This was to enable plugging in the Power Surge unit that would be hidden behind the wall unit because I didn't want this big heavy cord showing below my fancy new wall unit.