Monday, July 26, 2010

SQL Server Agent (Agent XPs disabled)

When SQL Server 2005 Management Studio's Object Browser shows the SQL Server Agent service with a red down arrow and the text Agent XP's disabled, the service is not started or disabled.

Start the SQL Server Agent service by:
  • using the SQL Server Configuration Manger
    located in Start -> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -> Configuration Tools -> SQL Server Configuration Manager
  • Or use the Services Management Console
    located in Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services
  • Or you can start the default service from the command prompt
    net start "SQL Server Agent (instance name)"
    Eg: net start "SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER)"

How to Add Google Analytics to Your Blogger Blog

Grab Your Google Analytics Code Block

  1. Login to Google Analytics at The main Settings page loads.
  2. Click on Add Website Profile. A form displays.
  3. Select Add a Profile for a New Domain.
  4. Enter the URL of your site or blog.
  5. Select your country and time zone. Click Finish.
  6. Analytics provides you with a code block – a swatch of HTML – to add to your site’s pages.
  7. Highlight the code block and then copy it by selecting Edit > Copy or Ctrl-C or Command-C.

Add the Google Analytics Code Block to Your Blogger Blog

  1. Login to The Dashboard loads.
  2. Under the blog you want to add Analytics tracking to, click on Layout or Template.
  3. Click on Edit HTML. An editing screen for your blog template’s HTML displays. Don’t freak out. Just scroll to the bottom.
  4. Look for the end of the template. It’ll look like:

(Google Analytics Code Block is going to go here!!!)

  1. Put your cursor right before that tag.
  2. Paste the Google Analytics Code Block by selecting Edit > Paste, Ctrl -V or Command-V.
  3. Click Save Changes.
You have now added the Google Analytics Code Block to Your Blogger Blog.

Check Your Work

  1. To ensure that you have successfully added the Google Analytics Code Block to your Blogger blog, go back to
  2. Next to your blog’s URL it will say either Receiving Data (you were successful) or Tracking Not Installed (something is amiss).
  3. If it said Tracking Not Installed, click on Check Status. Google then checks your blog for the Analytics Code Block and reports back if it find it or not.
  4. If not, try re-pasting the Code Block in.

[How-To] Run Snow Leopard in VMware Workstation *****

Have you ever wanted to give Mac OS X a try, but you either:
  • Don’t want a Mac
  • Can’t afford a Mac
  • Don’t know how to hackintosh
  • (All of the above)
Well, virtual machines can make running Mac OS X on a PC extremely simple. Should you do it? Of course! It’s so easy to do, that everyone should do it.
What we’re doing here, is pretty much making a hackintosh inside of a virtual machine (in this case, VMware Workstation 7 for Windows XP/Vista/7).
You could always make a hackintosh, but your system may not be *fully* compatible. Doing this in a virtual machine instead of natively ON your machine is a safe and simple process for anyone.
  • Run the latest version of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard (including 10.6.2) on ANY PC.
  • Quite speedy.
  • Simple and safe alternative to hackintoshing.
  • Only one: No hardware video acceleration (QE/CI). Without QuartzExtreme and CoreImage, graphics will be laggy, and a lot of programs (such as iMovie ’09) will not run. Why? Because there are no display drivers. But don’t let this ruin everything, as you can still run other things, like iTunes, Tweetie, Adium, etc.
Demo video
*Being worked on at the moment.
  1. VMware Workstation 7 – Pretty pricey, but you can get a trial of it. YOU MAY ALSO TRY VMWARE PLAYER, WHICH IS FREE.
  2. Retail Mac OS X Snow Leopard DVD – Only $30; go get it.
  3. Intel CPU (with VT-x support) – Check your BIOS to see if your CPU supports this (you’ll see an option for VT-x or ‘Virtualization Technology’). Most modern Intel CPUs have VT-x (ie. Core 2 Duo).
  4. This file – About 13MB, which has everything you need (besides a copy of Snow Leopard).
  5. About 45-60 minutes of time.
  6. Some common sense, and the ability to follow [simple] directions.
Once you have all of those requirements (ESPECIALLY NUMBER 6!!!!!), go ahead continue reading.
Part 1 – Setting up the VM
*Make sure you have the file (from step 4 above) extracted – Just take the ‘Snowy_VM’ folder and stick it on your desktop.
*Make sure VMware Workstation 7 is installed and working.
  1. Open VMware, and load the .vmx file that you extracted (in /Snowy_VM/Mac OS X Server 10.6 (experimental).vmwarevm/).
  2. Edit the settings for Processors and Memory to suit your needs. Mine was 2 CPU cores, and 2.5GB RAM.
  3. With the ‘Virtual Machine Settings’ window still open, go to CD/DVD (IDE), and click on the bubble for Use ISO image file, and find the ‘darwin_snow.iso’ file (in /Snowy_VM/). Click on OK when finished.
Part 2 – Installing Mac OS X
*Now comes the fun stuff!
*Insert your Mac OS X Snow Leopard DVD at this time.
  1. Start the virtual machine.
  2. Hit F8 after seeing the VMware boot screen.
  3. In the bottom of the virtual machine window, right-click on the CD/DVD drive icon, and choose ‘Settings’.
  4. Choose Use physical drive, and make sure the proper drive is selected.Also make sure that the Connected & Connect at power on checkboxes are checked. Click on OK when done.
  5. Press c on your keyboard (to boot from the DVD).
  6. (Optional) – Press F8 on your keyboard, and type -v and press enter. This bypasses the Apple boot screen, and boots into verbose mode.
  7. Once you’re at the installer, follow the prompts to install it. Reboot when finished. If you get a kernel panic upon rebooting, open up the “Mac OS X Server 10.6 (experimental).VMX” file in /Snowy_VM/Mac OS X Server 10.6 (experimental).vmwarevm with Notepad, search for “smc.present”, and change “TRUE” to “FALSE”. Save and close out of Notepad. You shouldn’t get anymore kernel panics.
Part 3 – Booting Mac OS X
*Assuming installation went well… (Which it should)
  1. Start the virtual machine up again. It can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes to boot, depending on your virtual machine settings.
  2. If you get a “Operating system not found” error, go back to part 2 and follow steps 3, 4, and 5. BUT, on step 5, instead of pressing c, press h. This boots from the hard disk instead of from the DVD.
  3. Once booted, you should be at the setup screens.
  4. Fill out the registration details and whatnot. When you’re finally at your desktop, go to step 3.
  5. You’re booted!
Part 4 – Updating to 10.6.2
*This is assuming your DVD of Snow Leopard is 10.6.
  1. Inside of Mac OS X, open up Safari, and go to this link (the 10.6.2 Combo Update):
  2. Download the .dmg to your desktop.
  3. When done downloading, open the installation package, and install 10.6.2.
  4. Reboot when completed.
Part 5 – Getting sound to work
*This will get audio working.
*You’ll need to put “EnsoniqAudioPCI.mpkg.tar.gz” onto your Mac OS X desktop. You can put the files on a USB drive, and mount the drive in the virtual machine. Once mounted, copy that file to your desktop.
  1. Double-click on “EnsoniqAudioPCI.mpkg.tar.gz”. Out should come a installation package.
  2. Double-click on the installation package.
  3. When you get to where you have to ‘customize’ the installation, check all 2 options.
  4. Install.
  5. Reboot when finished.
Part 6 – Installing VMware Tools
*This helps in overall performance of the VM.
  1. In the bottom of the virtual machine window, right-click on the CD/DVD drive icon, and choose ‘Settings’.
  2. Click on the bubble for Use ISO image file, and find the ‘darwin_snow.iso‘ file (in /Snowy_VM/). Click on OK when finished.
  3. You should see a new drive on your desktop called ‘VMware Tools’. Double-click on this.
  4. Run the installation package.
  5. Reboot when finished.
That’s it! In less than an hour, you have a [almost] fully functioning Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.2 machine on your PC. Again, you won’t get QE/CI (hardware video/graphics acceleration), but that’s not a big deal unless you plan on running real applications like iMovie or other things.

***** file to download:

Installing Mac OS X 10.4.8 ON VMware Workstation 6.5

Environment Specifications:
1.    VMware workstation 6.5.1 running on Windows XP SP2
2.    JaS Mac OS X 10.4.8 AMD Intel SSe2 SSe3 Beta v2 w/Semthex’s 8.8.1 Kernel
3.    Intel Core 2 Duo processor 2 GHz with 2 GB RAM
This article is focused on installing it on VMware workstation. Here on this article I would be posting step by step screenshots of the installation process on VMware workstation 6.5.1. The Mac OS X image used here is “JaS Mac OS X 10.4.8 AMD Intel SSe2 SSe3 Beta v2 w/Semthex’s 8.8.1 Kernel”.
Creating the Virtual Machine:
The VM is created using FreeBSD as the template. Hard Drive should be in IDE Mode which is another requirement. This happens by default if FreeBSD is selected though. Make sure you allocate a good amount of memory (512 recommended).
Screenshots step by step
Creating VM - 1
Creating VM - 2
Creating VM - 2
Creating VM - 2
Creating VM - 2
Creating VM - 2
Creating VM - 2
Creating VM - 8
Creating VM - 9

Creating VM - 10 

Once the VM is started it will boot to the Mac OS X image.
Screenshots step by step
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-30-37
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-30-48
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-35-40
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-36-30
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-36-42
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-36-55
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-37-37
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-38-04
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-38-09
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-38-24
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-38-28
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-38-51
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-39-13
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-39-23
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-39-34
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-39-23
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-39-34
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-39-38
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-40-29
JaS MacOSX-10.4.8-2009-06-09-18-40-34

Voila !!! Click on Restart and the VM will now boot into Mac OS X.

OSx86 – How To install Mac OS X on VMware Server & AMD 64

1. VMWare Server
2. Mac OS X 10.4.6 iso
3. Daemon Tools 3.4.7
4. At least 6Gb of Free Space.
Machine Specs:
AMD 64 3500+

1. Download and Install VMware ServerVMware Server is available for free at
2. Download and Install Daemon Tools
Daemon Tools available for free at
2. Obtain a legal OS X 10.4.6 ISO
When possible you should operate from a legal copy of the operating system. The image I used is ”Mac OS X 10.4.5 Jas.iso”. *cough*cough*
3. Mount the ISO VMware has the ability to mount CD/DVD images but not HFS+ images (the file system used by the Mac OS X installation DVD). You will thus need to load the iso into a virtual drive. I used Daemon Tools version 3.47. Some guides say Alcohol 120% is easier as you can skip step 5b.
4.Create a Virtual Machine
Fire Up VMWare, Select Local Host. Click on New Virtual Machine.  Click Next at the Wizard. Select Custom then Next. Select Other, then pick FreeBSD and click Next. Give your Virtual Machine a name. (I went with Mac OS X). *Put it wherever you want (I placed it in the location where I keep all my virtual machines. Note: make sure you have enough disk space for the virtual machine hard disk file. [6Gb]. Click Next. select Make Virtual Machine Private. Next then User That Powers On The Virtual Machine. Next again. Number of Processors, One. Next. Memory For The Virtual Machine , 512Mb. Next. Use Host-Only Networking (prevent Mac OS X from registering itself during installation). Next. SCSI Adapter , LSI Logic. Next. Create A New Virtual Disk. Next. Virtual Disk Type , IDE. Next. Disk Size, 6. Tick Allocate All Disk Space Now. Next. Wait for the disk space allocation. Give the Disk File a name. I also went with Mac OS X and save it to a location. Finish. Exit VMware.
5. Editing your VMware Config file [*.vmx]
Locate where you’ve stored your Virtual Machine in * at step 4. Open file (.vmx extension) in notepad and add the following line to the end of the file.
b. Help VMware find the Daemon Tools virtual drive by replacing the line auto detect with your virtual drive letter.
ide1:0.present = “TRUE”
ide1:0.fileName = “n:
ide1:0.deviceType = “cdrom-raw”
(note replace n: with the drive you have configured in Daemon Tools).
Close notepad and save the config file.
7. Installing Mac OS X
Launch VMWare Server and start your Virtual Machine. Press F2 and go into the Virtual Machine’s “BIOS” and set the boot order to CD-ROM first and HDD second. Save Changes and Exit. When the Mac OS X boot prompt appears (Read. Darwin) then the installation wizard welcome screen. It may take a while. Be patient.
8. Setting up your Hard Drive
Follow along in the installation, you’ll reach a point where it’s time to select your hard drive, but nothing is listed. Go to the menu and open up the Disk Utility. Create a Journal partition that utilizes the entire disk space. Done. The drive now shows up in setup. Proceed , Proceed.
9. Using a Custom Installation
Select the Custom Installation. You can opt to remove the Languages and Printer Driver Packages. Expand the “Patches” Packages and select the 3 AMD options – SSE2, SSE3 and AMD base system. Proceed along. Done.
10. Make your partition active.
On first restart of your Mac OS X you’d get a b0 error. You’ll need to mark your hard disk partition as active. To fix, boot from the iso again, and at Darwin initial prompt, hit F8. Type “-v -s” and then once a prompt appears, type “fdisk -e /dev/rdisk0“. Type “print” to display a list of partitions on the disk. Find the partition number for the one where you installed Mac OS X and then use the “flag n” command to mark the partition as active (n is the partition number). type “quit” and reboot. Mac OS X should boot off the hard disk as normal now.

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